Monday, April 30, 2012


One thing that has been stressed over and over is that each student would know WHY they are at IGo. When we write down why, it helps keep us from distractions.  Dear friend, please pray God’s protection over distractions in my life. I’m here because of Him, and for Him. This week has already been crazy!! God is already doing an amazing work in my heart and in my life. Praise Him!!!

Purpose For Being At IGo
1.     Because God called me
2.     To grow in Jesus
3.     To be stretched
4.     To seek the face of the Father
5.     To build lasting friendships
6.     To learn more about the heart of God
7.     To remove self and give it all to Him…a change of heart
8.     To serve each person I’m around
9.     To love all people
10. To care about hearts
Dear Father, protect me from distractions that will hold me back from these purposes. I’m here for You and because of  You. Praise you for being so faithful in providing this far! You are worthy of all my praise! Thank you Jesus for caring about my heart. I am your vessel, your slave. Use me in whatever way you want. I am YOURS. Allow me to grow and change in you. Reveal Your heart to me and teach me how to seek You in everything. I completely surrender to You…every area of my life…heart, mind, body, soul…Jesus, they are yours. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A New Beginning

     It's quickly becoming apparent, that time alone with Father is going to be hard to find. I'm going to have to consciously make the effort to make time for Him. With so many adjustments, and all the new faces, I am needy of Jesus. Of this I will remain thankful. All of this is teaching me how long I have been reliant on things other then God to take care of my needs. Friends, this IS idolatry in my life... and any form of idolatry is sin.
     Today in my time with Jesus I was taught to pray that I will see things from His perspective. This has been my prayer as each day new girls arrive. I want to see these beautiful women of God from His eyes. Each of them have needs, hurts, scars, and seeping wounds. Just like me, they need Jesus in every area of their lives. Truly it has been a struggle not to judge by what I have seen the first few days. Oh Jesus, I want to be totally un-judgemental and a safe haven for each of them. Pray dear friends and family that God would use me in ways I never saw coming. I am HIS slave!!!!
    Today is Sunday. We have church and then hopefully some of us are going to hit the pool again. One of the girls and I walked today and figured how far the pool is. It is a mile one way. Its great exercise to walk and then swim and then walk home! I think it is going to quickly become a favorite place! 

Prayer Points

1. Strong mind for the classes ahead
2. Total adjustment to the time 
3. Endurance for the heat
4. Courage to be more involved with the students
5. Willing ears and heart for others
6. Neediness of Jesus
7. All idolatry would be removed from my life
8. The friendships that have been made would be strengthened.
9. Compassion for each person here
10. To see the world through His eyes and from His perspective
11. Gods guidance would be clear
12. Physical endurance for every day ahead
13. Excitement to learn

I love you all, thank you for praying and caring about my life!
His slave, 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Classes Come Soon!

     The last few days have been wonderful. I feel like I'm starting to get adjusted to the time difference and  very very slowly the heat. Of course, its easy to say that as I sit on my bed with many fans blowing on me :).
     Yesterday I got to see Martin, Rachel and family. It was a blessing to be at their home again. Before that all the students went out for lunch. It was american food, and tasted wonderful. :) Monday is when we really start eating Thai everyday. :) Before lunch, (Don't you just love how I'm telling the events backward? ) :) the girls went fabric shopping. I was able to find two pieces. Hoping to get them sewn up before too long.
     This morning I got up and 4 of us girls went for a walk. It felt so wonderful to be out moving about. Seems like we have not done a lot more then get settled and sit trying to cool down. This afternoon we are planning to go swimming and that sounds AMAZING!!!!!!
     All of this to say...I'm SOOO ready for Monday to come. We are all getting a bit stir crazy and will be grand to get classes underway. I'm sure by tuesday I will be wondering what I have gotten myself into so please pray for all of us students. :)
     Thank you all for the prayers!! I feel them, so please keep them up! God has been so faithful and I know He will continue to be!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day One

     Praise God I made it home. Life is a bit different then in Ohio. This is truly going to be the biggest adventure I have ever taken. I'm in one bit room with many other girls. I'm all unpacked and getting settled. Living with this many other people in the same room will be an interesting experience.  
     White noise of many fans, sweat dripping, unpacking, loud Thai voices being blasted on a speaker outside on the street, and many many many girls...and...only half have arrived...My brain starts working and I start to think "God, I'm not sure I can do this. I need time alone, how will I live with so many people and not go crazy?" After getting unpacked, having a phone call with Courtney, Getting dressed and ready for the day, I  get to just sit and be with Jesus.
     The first thing I read today talked about God wanting me to be needy of Him. When I am weak and faint of Heart, God can really move in my life. Jesus wants me to come to Him with a longing to know more about Him. He wants me to be completely and totally dependent upon Him. He knows what I need and He will take care of me. What encouragement after feeling so overwhelmed!! The Father knows what He is doing in my life and I can just lean on Him and trust Him to take care of me. He has me in His hands even in Thailand.
     So, I am needy of Him, and that puts me right were He wants me. On my own there is no way that I can live with this many girlys. However, with Him...Nothing is impossible: Luke 1:37. On my wall next to my bed I have a hanging I got in Michigan that has Phil life verse. God is here and taking care of me.
     Its still only 11AM and God has already comforted me and taught me to rely more on Him and less on me! Praise be to His name. Also, its warm and the sun is shining and I LOVE not being cold!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

All Grows Dim

     I’m sitting in Chicago O’Hair International Airport, as I have been for the last four hours. Lack of sleep is casing my head to ache, and lack of food is making my belly growl, and I wish I could get online. Yet, I’m grinning and can’t wait for the plane to arrive at the gate so I can gaze at it until they will FINALLY let me board.  As I sit and sit, I’m reading a book called “Kisses From Katie”. Her story is so inspiring as I leave everything I know and hold dear.
     I’m sitting on a painted bench overlooking entrance of the airport. In the distance I can see the skyline of Chicago…mainly the Sears Tower. Cars keep flying by, and planes can be seen approaching the runway. The sun is warming me and I take some time to search my heart. Time to just let my mind go and try to understand how and what I’m feeling. 
     Life will be so different when I arrive in Ohio eight months from now. Clark and Courtney will be married, Vienna Kate will be almost one, Carson will be taller, and hopefully God will have done some amazing things in my life and my heart. And I pray… for divine appointments that can only be from God.  
     So I’m thinking of all these things…but really it all starts to fade away as I put my focus on the Father. My Father, who sent His ONLY Son for me…He loved ME….so much that Jesus was sent to a place that was down right vile compared to His home with the Father. A place full of filth, disease, sin, confusion, heartbreak and so much more. It all grows dim because I know that God is sending me…and yes things will be much different then here. There will be filth and sickness and it will be hot and there will be all kinds of nasty critters. But, its all so worth it when I put Jesus as my focus; and I choose to have a kingdom perspective.
     This will be my last writings from the USA, but it won’t be posted until I’m in my new home.  From here on out, I plan to write of Thailand as home. I’m sure there will be times that I will forget and I will think of Ohio as home…But to fully experience what Jesus wants I need to fully immerse myself in the culture of Thailand and IGo. Today when I get on my flight across the world, I’m going home. Each of you will be missed and I wont forget you and I will call, email, Skype, Google Talk (Thanks to Clark), and we will stay in each other’s lives. But I need to remember that I can’t have feet in both places…I need to choose to be home.
     Please, please keep me in your prayers. There will be many new things and many adjustments. This is Gods calling and He has confirmed it over and over. To follow the will of God is the best decision I can make with my life. None of this would be possible without Jesus and prayers of my Christ family. I’m sure there will be times that I just want to go back to Ohio and to normal American life.  Homesickness is a real thing and many people struggle with it so please hold me up before the Father.

Prayer Points:

~Praise God, he has provided the finances for this trip over and over and over
~Praise God, I did not cry my whole flight from Dayton
~Praise God, for save travels this far
~Praise God, that the world is smaller today then ever…I have technology to keep in contact with all of you
~Praise God, for friends and family who support me
~Praise God, for being God, for loving and caring about His children in a way we can’t comprehend
~Pray for divine appointments
~Pray for words of God to spring forth from my lips to bring glory to Him
~Pray for souls realizing they need Jesus and come to have a personal relationship with Him
~Pray for God to really show up in these 8 months
~Pray for my heart, that it would be completely, fully, totally focused on Jesus the Author and Finisher of my life
~Pray for my spirit, that it would grow in Jesus and never be pulled astray
~Pray that I would only hear truth and be able to discern what is bible and what is opinion
~Pray for strong friendships being made
~Pray for physical strength
~Pray for motivation to keep getting healthy, and eating the way God intended me to eat
~Pray that I would keep choosing to be Christ’s slave

Thank you all for you prayers, love, and support. Each of you has a place in my heart. I love you and will see you in December. Until then…you can pray I make time/have time to keep my blog up to date.

Choosing to be a slave to Christ,

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day Before

     I have sat down multiple times in the last week to pen words. Alas, every time I get distracted, or it just makes me too sad. However, today is the day before I leave...and its time to get some thoughts down on paper.
     Yesterday I said some of the saddest goodbyes. Cody's and Trent's were over, and we had a fun family day. Mindy and I redecorated Mom & Dad's house while Trent slept, Dad worked on Skype, and the rest played Settlers. Thinking back over the day, I think it was the most fun I have had with my family in the last few months. It was relaxing and refreshing.
     Today has flown by. I was up at six and out the door by 7:45. I ran errands, and stopped to see Nat and Courtney. Came home, finished packing, wrote thank-you notes, and went to tell Grandpa's goodbye.  My wonderful brother was a HUGE help to me today. He ran around for me, weighed my luggage and helped in anyway he could. After that Mom, Carson, and I played a last game of Settlers and I actually enjoyed it.
     Tonight some friends are coming to spend the evening and the night with me...and tomorrow I get on a plane to Thailand. Its so hard to explain the emotions I'm feeling...I'm so excited, and yet my heart feels sadness. Eight months is really not that long, and it will go by so fast...but things will be so different when I arrive home. Please keep me and my family in your prayers...This is a journey for all of us.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Food...The End

     It starts around age 11 at Teen Camp/Youth Camp (name dependent on being said by a camper or by a chap), and continues through Canoe Trip, Annual Meeting, California Camp and so on. Because this is such a tradition we felt that the Michigan Trip needed to carry it on. Therefore, our theme song was Strong Love by Jon Thurlow. ------> <--------- I wish we had a recording of us singing it. 

Every time we played this song dancing, singing, and hand motions broke out!

It was the before and after song or worship time

GAMES!!!!! Many were brought, only one was played. We decided to play Quelf it was very fun at first...until someone got the laughing much fake laughter. :) 

BACON...Apparently, I'm the ONLY person on the face of the earth who does not think bacon should be part of every meal....

So much junk

SHRIMP....Now thats a food that should be part of EVERY meal.

Pepper Poppers....and Olives

Fruit and combo EVER

She was writing her love as we waited, and waited, and waited for the water tank to drain....look at that face lol

On the road home

Beautiful friends

We were tired on the way home...and all slept some

We stopped at Panera and got some decent food. None of us water to do fast food again

Another beautiful sky

     This trip was an amazing blessing. We had some crazy times and some faith growing worship time. Testimonies were shared, some funny and some hard. Father, thank you for being present during our trip. It was sad to come home, but at the same time, we were all ready. Maybe 20 years down the road we can do it again. :) Girls, you are an amazing gift from God. Truly, I can't imagine where I would be in life without your friendship. I'm so thankful about what the Father is doing in each of your lives. Hannah, thank you for being a strong friend, someone trustworthy and caring. God has great things in store for you. I'm so excited to see where He leads you in the coming years. You CAN/WILL make it through nursing school with excellent grades!!! Abbey Girl, it has been soooo fun to get to know you better. I love how God has brought us closer....True sisters in Him. Thanks for your encouragement, and caring about my heart. Praying as you continue in school and life. Courtney, I'm so sad to not be here for your big day, but I'm soooo excited for you. Praise Jesus for the work He has done in your life. Thanks for being a faithful friend, one I can ALWAYS count on. You bless me. Last but NOT least...Lauren Joe. You're going to be a mama!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited for you guys. You will be amazing parents. I can't wait to meet that bebe girl Bowman. You have been such an example to me of a wife and proverbs 31 women. You are truly following what God asks of a women and wife. Girls, I love you all. Sad summer 2011 had to come to an end...maybe we can visit it again soon. Blessings in the coming months, Bree

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Down By The Lake Shore

     There is nothing like water to make a person feel close to God. After the eventful trip to town, the 5 girls headed home and took a nap. Once nap time was over they got ready and headed down to the beautiful lake shore. It was a freezing cold trip. Four of the five girls very seriously contemplated taking a swim. However, they decided it was just too cold. In fact, said girls, were so excited about the swim they got up early one morning to go...a few, however, were too chicken and tired to do it so sadly, they don't have the amazing memories they could have had from that. (Not to mention the photographs). :) Oh well, there were still some good ones! :)

Five Girls All Grown Up

For the most part

We love Bebe Bowman

Part 1 & Part 2

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Story Continues...

     So the girls made it to the cute, little cabin in the woods. Now the fun was really getting underway. It was a very late arrival, and after getting the heat turned on, the water pump going, and the water tank filling, it was bed time. Only, as in any girl friendship, sleep was still hours away. As we all lay in our beds, suddenly EVERYTHING was hilarious.  Someone (NO NAMES WILL BE GIVEN) had the nerve to quietly say "Quakers meeting has begun, no more laughing no more fun", and peels of laughter burst forth from every corner of the room. The sounds would build and recede like waves rushing up the shore...quite would fall over the room, and then you would hear a snort and it all started again. 
     In one of the moments when all was quiet and one thought maybe, just maybe we were going to fall in the blissful land of dreams, we heard a knock, knocking. Now understand its 2 in the morning, we are in the woods far away from everything we know, and everything is a much bigger deal then it would be at say, three in the afternoon. All but one of us screamed and said "WHAT WAS THAT?" Here it was just a girl who happened to be in a bed alone and able to pull such a mean trick. Needless to say, she was not in her bed alone for the next few nights. :) 
     We were all planning to sleep in the next morning since we did not fall asleep until 3ish. But alas we had brought along and dear friend who was with child. Eight AM came and she was ready to be up. So we all got up and around at a decent hour. We ended up being very thankful to get our day going. We were all very tired but the time in town was eventful and fun. 

This store is so neat. It is full of things from all over the world. They used the money earned there to support Christians around the world. We got there and the door was lock but the sign said they were open. So...we called the number on the sign and asked if they were open. The person on the phone said yes, and sent someone to open the door for us...we all felt a little awkward, but were glad to be able to experience and spend some money here. 

Unfortunately we saw many, many signs like this one

She did not get the memo that we felt sad about everywhere being closed. 

Oh my...what a moment. We wanted some group shots from the weekend, but we did not see anyone to help us out. Self-timer became our best friend. I set my camera up on the top of the car and set everything up, and then ran to get in the photo on time. It was all grand until the camera started to move....I thought it was going to drop off the top of the car. Thankfully I made it in time and God protected my camera. It would have been a devastating loss. (The photos of our faces when it starts to move are priceless!!!)
     After shopping around and finding most things to be closed we headed to Wal-Mart. I am very glad I will never see the people in that place again. We were not used to shopping for five people and it make things dificult. We got WAY too much food, but still managed to stay under budget! Laughing and standing around looking lost happened more than once. I think they were glad to see us leave! :) (Also we say a solid chocolate bunnie that was 150lbs. What would someone do with that?)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Streaming Tears

     We interupt the story of Michigan to bring you a heart update. Right now it is 4:11PM and I have been crying off and on for about an hour. I want to make it clear I'm SOOOOO excited for IGo, and its only 14 days away!!!!!!!!! However, I'm starting to feel very sad. Here is why.....
     Thursday night is my last night working at Miami Valley Women's Center. I have been working there off and on for about three years. I have watched the kiddos grow up, and have fallen in love with most of them. Two of my dearest friends were made by working Thursdays nights, (I love you Jess and Susie). They will be greatly missed. Friday night will most likely be the last night I babysit for Tanner, (Maybe Vienna too but I have not got to babysit her yet so I'm not sure she is going to be there).  Not that I really watch him a lot, but its still a saddening last.
     I have been staying with Great Grandma while Grandpa Lavy's are in CA. Its not a big deal to stay up there, but I am realizing I'm missing the last two weeks of my own bedroom (Its my haven away from crazy life, and I miss it). Grandma is a gem, one of the dearest old ladies ever!
     Almost every day is filled with meeting up with people, running errands, working as much as possible and so on. I know that I'm not going to get to be with nearly all the people I want to before the 24th. To leave without telling all my peeps goodbye is hard. I know things will be so different when I come home.
     Also, my days have been filled with pain in my ankle and back. I know that the devil is trying his best to get me down. I'm getting so tired of not feeling well. My nights are restless and so short. I lay in bed for hours before falling asleep and wake up way before my alarm goes off. In these moments I remember the verse in Philippians 4 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Somehow that is a much harder verse to follow then one would think. Please keep me in your prayers.
       On a very exciting note....I got my prayer cards. Please let me know if you want one.

Tonia Schauer took them, and I am very impressed. 

Thanks for prayers.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

...The Other Is Gold

     Once upon a time, in a land very much like your own, five little girls were born. Each one had their own unique personality, and life. Their names were Courtney, Abbey, Bree, Hannah, and Lauren. They were all born within a year of each other, and went through life together. As in any little girl friendship, there were times of intense conflict. However, as time moved on and took each girl in a different direction, they all remained faithful friends.
     These little girls were blessed with the most wonderful mothers. Growing up, many of them heard the saying, "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, and the other is gold". Golden friendship is what these girlys had.
     Years past, and little girls became young ladies. Each one was on fire for Jesus, and the Father was actively moving in their lives. They are now all in different stages of life. One is married and getting ready to have a bebe, one is engaged and getting married in July, one is starting a relationship and starting school, the other is in nursing school and serving in Dayton, and I am leaving for Thailand in 16 short days.
     Before I left and there was a bebe added to the mix we decided to take a trip together. We all loaded up in a little car and drove 8.5 hours to the upper peninsula of Michigan. Laughter eating, relaxing worship, more laughter, and heart sharing was the agenda for 4.5 days we were gone. It was wonderful to reconnect and have time to step away from busy life to catch up.

We were loaded down!! Court did a fantastic job of making it all fit in the trunk.

Baby mama driving :)

A long but beautiful drive

Sunset = Breathtaking 

We made it to our cute little cabin in the woods

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 
~Matthew 5:14-16

A gorgeous part of the world

Our most fantastic transportation