Friday, December 2, 2011

Life Giving Water

     Today everyone went to church at IGo. I stayed home because I am still feeling a bit under the weather. After getting over that nasty fever I’m starting to feel like I’m getting an sinus infection. Please pray for God’s continued healing in my life. He is strong when I am weak!
     Once everyone got home Marcie and Niki went swimming, Cindy went to get me some lunch, and Hank watched the neighbors dig a well. Dear Brandy went out to play with some darling children that were with the well diggers. They had a fun time playing ball in the street.

They were not sure about getting their photos taken or playing with me...

...Brandy, on the other hand, was lots of fun!

So darling, I wanted to take him home with me

     As I heard the clanging and banging of the well project I started to think about water. No of us would be able to live with out the gift of drinkable water. So many people in this world don’t have the privilege of clean water. Yet, every day I just expect to drink, not only clean, but COLD, water.
     What is water? Its simply two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. Who would think that such a simply compound would make something so vital to life?
     Even in the bible water is a big deal. As a believer we are called to be baptized in water. Jesus took water and turned it into wine at the wedding feast. When Pilate decided to give Jesus over to the Jews, for his crucifixion, he washed his hands in water to show that none of the guilt would be on his shoulders. There is also the biblical account of the women at the well, found in John four. Jesus is the only one who can give us the true living water.

Messy Job

The water was shooting WAY high

I think they must have gotten done because they have not been back. Hank took all the well photos! 
     Cindy asked the owners, of this house, how much it cost. It is around 90,000 USD. It is a three bed, three bath house. Located in a beautiful neighborhood, its sitting at the very back of a dead end street. If you know of anyone looking for a house in this area let them know tee hee. 

Its cool looking

The for-sale sign

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