Saturday, December 14, 2013


In my twenty-one years of life, God has taken me though many seasons. {Spring} with the newness of His presence and Holy Spirit, {Summer} when everything was beautiful and growing, {Fall} when the colors of all He was doing took my breath away. Then {Winter} the time of wilderness and pressing into His heart when all emotions and feeling said He was not reachable.

I'm in a winter season. My life looks different then I want. Jesus keeps gently reminding me that He made the wilderness seasons too. This period of my life is all about leaning on Jesus. It’s about pursing His heart and pressing in.  Slowly, with great patience Abba is reveling the beauty of the winter…Not only the winter of the soul but the winter of Ohio ;). 


{"Daughter, 1000 hours worshiping me is more important the touching one life. I am more important then people...As you lift me high I will draw the hurting after MY heart. Just say {YES} to my calling. Don't lose sight of the anointing I've placed in your soul. Follow my leading and I will {MOVE}" 

So I will continue to say {YES} to Jesus. Even in the winter season.



Baker Family said...

Yea!!! A post!! I totally understand the season of winter. Praying spring is around the corner!

lisa said...

And this is the prayer of my heart - that we will all continue to say YES! To what The Lord is doing in our lives!

Keep blogging!

cody.nat said...

Yay! an update! Love you..