Sunday, May 20, 2012


     I don't even know where to start. This week has been amazing, crazy, stressful, and most of all, God filled. Several times though the week God moved and blessed me so much. He is amazing, and I'm so thankful to call Him Father!!!!!
     It is already time for ministry trips. Time simply must go faster on this side of the world, because it does not seem like first term should be over already. End of term of course means many tests, which
means Bree is very stressed, which means, lots and lots and lots of coffee, and restless nights. He is faithful, and they are all done! Now its time to catch up on sleep....only there is not a lot of time for that. :)
     When living with someone, you get to know them very well, and soon you become like a family. That is truly happening here. I'm so thankful for the friends I am making. They have all blessed me so much! Going though this journey would not be possible without others walking beside me, and holding me up. I pray I can be the same for them. We need each other, or we would not make it. Each of us makes up the body and we need every part!

So these are the 26 people who are becoming my family on the other side of the world. They have all touched my life in many ways. 

We matched very unintentionally and needed a photo. I love these ladies! 

This girl is amazing. Polly, I'm so thankful for you! P.S. I like you.... 

LaRonda is the women's dean. She is our mama away from the states and she has been such an inspiration to me! God has used her to speak so much truth and love into my life and to say I'm thankful for her would be a huge understatement. Ron-Ron, you bless me!!! 

So in a nut shell, we serve a Father who loves us unconditionally, and is there for us whenever we are willing to make the change and call out to Him. For a long time I have been saying my life word was surrender, I just have to say that word has changed to redeemed!! I'm so happy for the work Jesus is doing in my life. I did not know how much coming here would change me. However, if I went back to the states today, I have no doubt in my mind that I would be a different person. Praise be to the Father for His care, guidance, love, grace, and gentle calling of His children! 

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