Saturday, July 11, 2009


As far as school goes I am done with Economics and Government :) YAY!!!! I still have to get Brit Lit done BEFORE I leave!!!! Please pray that God will give me the strength to endure and get it done! For some reason Brit Lit has been very hard for me so I find it hard to stay focused. ;)

I was thinking that I really should start getting stuff ready to leave. I need to start packing so I can start worrying about how I am going to get everything packed in ONE 50lb suitcase!!! :) Ideas anyone? I am letting Heather have my second luggage spot because she has a lot more stuff to take down then me, but still it sounds like a imposable task. :) Can’t wait to see how it goes.

As the time gets closer and closer I am starting to feel worried! I know that this is what God is calling me to but it is looking very big! I know He is going to be with me ever hour of every day! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

Looking back over the past months and seeing God work all of this out has been so AMAZING! I know that God is going to work everything out when I am in Haiti too! I just need to remind myself of that every day.

Please continue to pray for Heather and I as well as for our families!

Have a GREAT day,


Mrs. K said...

Praying for you, dear sister. Ask God to help you pack. He knows exactly what you need. I don't have any good advice on the Brit Lit...that's a hard pill to swallow!

cody.nat said...

12 days and counting!! EEEEKKK!!!!

The Baker Family said...

Hey will we see you before you leave??? We would love to. What are you doing Sat? Want to come help paint?