Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Day 2

      I think I have everything fingered out for my blog. For now it feels very "Bree". At some point its going to get all changed up and be all different, I'm sure. :) I guess thats part of the fun of blogs!

      Today was a fun and different day. It was spent going to class, and then coming home and sand blasting in a little boxy thing. (Pictures may come later)  I found the job to be very relaxing and enjoyable. After lunch I ran to Cedarville and picked up some parts for Dad. My dear mom evan came with me. We had fun!

      There is a junk yard in Cedarville: where Mom and I went. We were getting used wheals for a truck Dad is working on. Before I left Dad made sure I knew how to use a ratchet strap, so I could strap the wheals down. I was sure I had it down...I think the Bible says something about pride going before a fall?!?! Ok so the guys at the junk yard had loaded the truck; the wheals were paid I just had to strap everything down and we would be ready to go. Sounds super easy right? Or Not... I was trying to get everything tighten up and ready to go. I had to keep reassuring Mom that I knew what I was doing... I finally had to admit to Mom that I really had NO clue what I was doing. I ended up making a HUGE mess of the strap and the ratchet. I scratched the idea of figuring out what I had done wrong and I grabbed a new strap and ratchet. The new system worked like a charm. This all gave Mom and I laughs!

      Mom, thanks for coming with me today. I know you had other plans for your afternoon. Love you

To anyone who is reading this blog,
      This blog is the property of a 19 year old girl, who tends to ramble. Nothing that is written on this blog should be taken too seriously. Because this is my blog there may be things that are misspelled, or really make no since to anyone but me. I have this blog for fun and to help my writing skills. In the event that God allows me to travel again, I will use this blog to keep friends and family up to date on what is happening in my life. I am also hopping to post photographs. During the winter months I don't take many photos. However, summer is just around the corner!! Yippee Yay!!! 

Good Night, 


lisa said...

Teehee! I can still get silly thinking about watching you so seriously sure you knew how to operate that dumb strap! while all along, I was SURE you didn't have a clue! Guess we were both right, huh?

Love you, Zany girl,

Bree said...

Lol I was sure!! I mean after all I did get it figured out...Just not the way I had hopped!! :)

cody.nat said...

I've always liked the sounds the ratchet strap makes. Weird I know. I can just imagine you and mom trying to figure it out. If anyone was watching at the junk yard I'm sure they were laughing heartily!!