Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Cow's Tale ~ Oct 6 2011

     Just by reading the title most of you are probably thinking I am talking about a kind of candy, or a part of the body on a cow. However, this is neither...this is a story of the cows who interrupted lunch. This is one of those things that may only be funny to the people involved. For me...this was one of the funniest things that have happened to me on this trip. So...sit back and prepare to laugh...or just think I am silly and odd. :) Happy reading.
     Today Cindy, Hank and I were the only ones still sitting at the lunch table. All of the sudden, we heard one of the little girls yell, "There's two black cows in the driveway." We all jumped up from the table and started peering out the windows...sure enough...there were about five cows racing through the back yard. Now when I say racing I really mean racing. I am not sure I have ever seen cows run so fast. Perhaps they also heard the shrill yelling?! More likely then not, they knew they were not welcome in the yard around the house.
     This is one of those things that would never happen back in Ohio. It was such a funny thing to me. I had to take some photos of the whole episode, starting with the empty table and poor Hunter, who kept yelling "mommy, mommmmmy, mommmmmmmmmmy". Hank was tasked with the job of herding the cows back out onto the road. (Yes your really did read that right...the ROAD). The Turners live on the Indian Reservation, and its a free range area for cattle. Moving on...Hank quickly jumped on his scooter (Like the ones we will be riding in Thailand...Nope I have not attempted it yet) and headed towards the cows. The only problem was that we have had lots of rain, and everything was muddy. He could not hardly go. Cindy and I thought he was going to crash before it was all over. In the meantime, an older gentleman comes ridding in the lane on a mule...(Yup you read that right too it really was a mule...not a horse). He said he was here to get the cows and herd them into the Field, and out of the yard. Hank and he did good work and the cows did not even have to come back by the house. I'm not really sure Hank had much to do with the whole thing but he had lots of fun being out there. Hope this brightened your day!

He was saying "Aunt Bree" melts my heart every time! 

Watching the excitement

Joe to the rescue!!! This is not a horse...its a mule! 

Hank headed out to help

I know it does not look like it but there really are cows in this photo...WAY in the back! 

Lacy showing me her treasures 

Sweet girl! 

     P.S. A few days after I wrote this I had the opportunity to go out and chase cows. It really can be a fun and stress relieving activity. Niki and I went out and as we were chasing it I said I thought it was with child...Niki then said, "Um...Aunt Bree, its a male...its not going to have a baby."  This became the new joke each time we saw the cow the rest of the day!


lisa said...

I thought you might get to chase goats, but COWS!?!?! Umm....about the difference in boy cows and girl cows..snicker!

Baker Family said...

I think you need to come ride with Trent... You will figure out the cow gender thing quickly! Or just watch them pee!lol!

Bree said...

Malinda, Your so funny! Maybe when I get home I will have to take a day and do that. Poor Trent may not be really excited about taking me lol. I love you!

cody.nat said...

OH MY WORD! Hilarious. And you are going to nursing school? Thought you would have the gender thing figured out by now. On a side note, you were chasing a bull? Um yikes.

Bree said...

Nat...let me just say that its a bit easier to tell on a human than a cow...If its not a mama cow its hard to tell...I'm slowly learning though! Tee Hee..I think it was WAY more worried about us chasing it then it was of chasing us. All the cows out here are wild or close to it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bree trying to post and not sure how, but loved your blog. Bonnie

Anonymous said...

OK now I know how! Amazing huh? Anyways I posted last night but didn't know how, so forgot what I said, but I know I was laughing about the cow/cowboy thing. Right now I am listening to your music I LOVE IT!!! Need to go to town but this is more enjoyable. Have a very Blessed day and know we are praying for all of you! Love all your pictures, HUGS! br