Monday, January 16, 2012


     I have made the decision, decided to take the leap. What a journey it has been getting to this point of surrender to the will of my Father in heaven. This is not to say that there are not still parts of my life that are unsurrendered...because there are, nor does it mean I have it all together, and figured out. In fact...I really have nothing figured out at all. Except that I am ready and willing to follow after my Abba Father.
     Some people may call me crazy, and others say its an easy road out. However, this has been the hardest and most difficult time of my life. When God calls us to do things that are out of the norm, its hard. When I'm in the middle of my nursing education and its being put on hold, its hard. When God is blessing me with another niece or nephew and I know I'm leaving that behind, its hard. Friends who will move on with life and make wonderful memories with out me is hard. Though this is all difficult, God is providing and showing me His wonderful faithfulness each day.
     God does not call us to be simple American Christians who have it all figured out. He wants us to be needy of Him every day, in every way. Living a radical life for Christ is shown all through out the bible. Why do I think its going to be an easy, asphalt paved way. He tells us in His word that people are going to hate us, kill us, persecute us, if we follow Him. So many times we forget those verses and focus on how God will bless us. He does blesses us for our faithfulness. I'm so thankful that God has abundantly showered His blessings upon my life. However, I also know I can't used Jesus as a vending machine to just give me blessings. Being a Christ follower is about so much more.
     What I am choosing to do is not for everyone. I believe that the great commission "And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."is a command and for all of us. While I say that, I feel like God calls us all to different places to live that out. Some of us go to foreign lands, but some need to stay and live it out here on America soil. This chapter in Mark goes on to say that whoever does not believe will be condemned. Its my job to tell others the truth so they can have the free gift of Salvation God has given me.
     A few months ago I posted about a school in Thailand, called IGo. I was asking for your prayers as I prayerfully, considered attending. God has completely shown me that His will is for me to leave in April and be gone until December. This means that I will be attending classes at IGo for 8 months. Exactly what these eight months are going to look like is unknown. What I do know is that I will be taking classes on Theology, Cultural Anthropology, World Religions, Growth in Christ, History of Missions, Christian Family, Principles of Teaching, Local Church Evangelism, TESOL, and Bible classes.
     I am excited beyond what I am capable of putting into words. It looks big and challenging, but I am so ready! Please pray for me in the coming months as I prepare, and as I go that God will continue to show me His unending faithfulness, and grace. Also, pray for my family as I leave. I'm not sure if its going to be harder on them or on me! :) If you are interested in being a weekly prayer partner please send me an email at 
~Deciding to follow Jesus,


Cindy T said...

Beautiful! Love you! and... *tears* :)

Melanie Chrystn said...

Oah how exciting Bree!! What a beautiful adventure this will be! I will be praying for you throughout your travels and lessons... you're going to do great! I am so glad you were brave enough to answer God's calling... even when it may have seemed a little scary. You are going to shine in Thailand!

Sam and Lish said...

With God all things are possible. He is going to fill your every need. Love you so much and we are so excited for you and to hear about the places God is taking you. Continue keeping your eyes on the One! Love you lots.

Anonymous said...

You will definitely be in my prayers Bree!! What an awesome experience this will be for you! I pray that God not only blesses you in the coming months, but that He will abundantly supply you with the strength, grace, and peace that can be found only in the arms of our Father. Love you girl! =)

Caitlin said...

Super excited for you girl! What a blessing and growing experience this will be. Sounds like so much fun! Praying many blessings, and God's provision over you! When you come home, you'll have to tell us all about it with pictures and stories. :) Go with God sis! Love to you!

Margaret said...

We will be praying for you Brittany! God will bless you beyond imagination for your faithfulness to serve where He calls you! exciting! I will pray for your mom & dad, too, cause this might be kinda hard on them. ;) Love you, Bree.

cody.nat said...

Love you...