Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day One

     Praise God I made it home. Life is a bit different then in Ohio. This is truly going to be the biggest adventure I have ever taken. I'm in one bit room with many other girls. I'm all unpacked and getting settled. Living with this many other people in the same room will be an interesting experience.  
     White noise of many fans, sweat dripping, unpacking, loud Thai voices being blasted on a speaker outside on the street, and many many many girls...and...only half have arrived...My brain starts working and I start to think "God, I'm not sure I can do this. I need time alone, how will I live with so many people and not go crazy?" After getting unpacked, having a phone call with Courtney, Getting dressed and ready for the day, I  get to just sit and be with Jesus.
     The first thing I read today talked about God wanting me to be needy of Him. When I am weak and faint of Heart, God can really move in my life. Jesus wants me to come to Him with a longing to know more about Him. He wants me to be completely and totally dependent upon Him. He knows what I need and He will take care of me. What encouragement after feeling so overwhelmed!! The Father knows what He is doing in my life and I can just lean on Him and trust Him to take care of me. He has me in His hands even in Thailand.
     So, I am needy of Him, and that puts me right were He wants me. On my own there is no way that I can live with this many girlys. However, with Him...Nothing is impossible: Luke 1:37. On my wall next to my bed I have a hanging I got in Michigan that has Phil life verse. God is here and taking care of me.
     Its still only 11AM and God has already comforted me and taught me to rely more on Him and less on me! Praise be to His name. Also, its warm and the sun is shining and I LOVE not being cold!!!!!!!


kristibowman said...

I love the descriptions of Thailand. The graphic detail makes me feel a tho i'm almost there with you. praying your heart will always be that open and dependent on him! Thank you for showing me that He is enough. I Love you! KristiB

Traci said...

This would challenge me as well. Isn't it awesome that God knew you needed to grow in this way? Lean not on your own understanding. We love you and we are praying for you.


Anonymous said...

Love you! Did you get my text? My phone and I are going to Verizon this isn't sending/receiving texts on a consistent basis. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Anonymous said...

That was me! I'm not anonymous!

Colista said...

Hey girl...been following you and keep thinking I am going to comment, but I haven't. :(
It does sound pretty interesting to live with lots of girls... :o)
Maybe you can find your own quiet place to escape to?
Praying for you today!

Abby said...

I'm glad you're here.

Mrs. K said...

That would really push my comfort zone. I lived with one girl in college and that was too much :o) I love that He has you right where He wants you, utterly and completely dependent on Him. The trick is to stay there. Love you!

cody.nat said...

Bree- KEEP POSTING. Love love love hearing about your journey. And it excites me every time you share a testimony of God's faithfulness! I am quite jealous of the sunshine and warm weather. Isn't it awesome that God knows just what we need to send us running to HIM? I love how time and time again He has encouraged your heart! Love you!

Wendy said...

Hey! I can totally relate to the communal living thing. It can be a challenge at times and yet it can also bond you close to each other. The main thing is: accept the fact that you know anything and everything about each other once you live together. :)
You do have to make a point though to find a quiet spot away from everybody or it's hard to survive. Even for the social outgoing people like you and me! I"ll pray for you in this. Love you, Aunt Wendy