Monday, April 30, 2012


One thing that has been stressed over and over is that each student would know WHY they are at IGo. When we write down why, it helps keep us from distractions.  Dear friend, please pray God’s protection over distractions in my life. I’m here because of Him, and for Him. This week has already been crazy!! God is already doing an amazing work in my heart and in my life. Praise Him!!!

Purpose For Being At IGo
1.     Because God called me
2.     To grow in Jesus
3.     To be stretched
4.     To seek the face of the Father
5.     To build lasting friendships
6.     To learn more about the heart of God
7.     To remove self and give it all to Him…a change of heart
8.     To serve each person I’m around
9.     To love all people
10. To care about hearts
Dear Father, protect me from distractions that will hold me back from these purposes. I’m here for You and because of  You. Praise you for being so faithful in providing this far! You are worthy of all my praise! Thank you Jesus for caring about my heart. I am your vessel, your slave. Use me in whatever way you want. I am YOURS. Allow me to grow and change in you. Reveal Your heart to me and teach me how to seek You in everything. I completely surrender to You…every area of my life…heart, mind, body, soul…Jesus, they are yours. 


kristibowman said...


Cindy T said...

Praying for you dear friend! BTW, I misss you!